This one-day seminar provides guidelines for effective use of the Subdivision Map Act. The instructors will discuss the responsibilities and powers of local agencies under the Act, as well as particular issues regarding when the Act applies.

Latest version of Map Act Book included with class
Robert W. Snow
"Last week I sent off for a copy of the current Map Act Navigator. I received the copy in just a few days and have enjoyed reading it (I appreciate the prompt service). I have made it to the Old Maps section thus far and I am impressed. The format is great and it is quite easy to read and understand. While reading, I have been tabbing, highlighting, and under-lining as I find things of importance or of interest. . . . I can see already that your publication will be an important part of my reference library."
Ian Wilson,
County Surveyor
Alameda County
“The best source of learning for anything to do with the Subdivision Map Act from either side of the counter. I've taken this seminar a number of times and learned something E.V.E.R.Y. S.I.N.G.L.E. T.I.M.E.”
Joel Waxdeck,
City Engineer
City of Livermore
“Thank you for the unbelievably entertaining training yesterday. Was better than a Vegas show. History, humor, comradery, and valuable Map Act info. I have never experienced a training that even comes close to sustaining that level of entertainment. Thank you so much for sharing your passion, wit, humor, stories, and energy. . . . please continue offering this service!!”